Isabella Estrada– Mustangs Ahead

2020 Discount List- $10 Card(LAKEWOOD RANCH, FL)- The LRHS track and field team is selling discount cards as a fundraiser for the upcoming season.

The discount cards sell for $10 each and include coupons and discounts for the dining locations across the area.

“The cards apply till the end of 2020 and can be used as many times as possible throughout the year,” said head track coach Jeff Simmons.

The track and field team hopes to improve their facilities and make the program better for all students and spectators.

This year so far, track and field has been able to purchase 90 new hurdles and create a safe and confined space for the throwers to compete and practice. With the money from the current fundraiser, Simmons hopes to cover the meet fees, traveling expenses, and supplements for the volunteer coaches.

“We have gotten a lot of new needed equipment but hope to continue to improve,” said Simmons, “The team still hopes to eventually add a new pole vault pit as well as blocks for our runners.”

All track and field athletes are participating in this and later fundraisers.

“We are having many fundraisers this year and I am really excited,” said sophomore Carson Manning, “I really hope to improve on the equipment we have now to better prepare for the spring season.”

The athletes hope to sell ten cards each for the fundraiser. Later this year track and field will hold a 5k/10k to raise even more money for the upcoming seasons.

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