Olivia Ellis– Mustangs Ahead

The cast of LRHS’s “Super Non-Heroes” performed for students Thursday

(LAKEWOOD RANCH, FL) – The LRHS honors theater class performed the play “The Super Non-Heroes,” for Mustangs and staff yesterday. 

The play was student-directed and produced by LRHS seniors Aldan Rossnagel and Reeves Fairey.

The show served as the classes’ final exam grade and a send-off for the seniors.

“This was such a great final way to end the school year and say goodbye to the seniors,” said junior Jennifer Schillinger, who was the play’s female lead. 

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The show follows a non-super, Charlie, as she goes to a new school that is full of superheroes. Charlie is brought to a challenge and must dig deep within herself to discover that she has her own unique talents that help save the day.

Theatre director Roxane Caravan said, “Congratulations on a great final performance and congratulations to our seniors who took their final bow.”