Madison Cartano – Mustangs Ahead

it can wait att distracted driving
The AT&T “It Can Wait” program came to LRHS Friday

(LAKEWOOD RANCH, FL)- On Friday AT&T brought their “It Can Wait” virtual reality experience to LRHS. This presentation was intended to educate children and adults on the dangers of distracted driving.

Program marketing Director Karen McAllister explained they are travelling to 12 schools around Florida to change the way people drive. McAllister talked about how this cause already has over 30 million advocates.

“One quick glance can change your life as well as someone else’s,” said McAllister.

LRHS Junior Ellie Wietecha explained, “The virtual reality experience was very eye-opening. I have learned that it’s not worth it to text and drive.”

LRHS junior Lily Johnson said, “The distracted driving virtual reality experience was intense. I thought it was very effective in making teens realize the severity of the issue.”

With the amount of fatalities caused by distracted driving, it is easy to see that lives are more important than checking a text. This problem is completely preventable and can be solved if people understand that this is the root of the issue.

McAllister feels that this is such an important message to share with not only new drivers, but all drivers. Distracted driving is a prominent problem today and the “It Can Wait” experience is doing what it can to change that.

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