Cassidy McLellan – Mustangs Ahead

(LAKEWOOD RANCH, FL) – The Florida Future Educators of America (FFEA) is a new club here at LRHS for Mustangs interested in a career in education. FFEA is now accepting new members.

Keyboard instructor Rebekah Lester, the club adviser, explained, “For those looking to join FFEA or even just for more information, please join the remind on FFEA Announcements @ffealrhs or join the Schoology group with group code DNFV-7J35-FN33R.  If you have any questions about the club, please email, call or stop by my room 517.”

On Friday the club will compete in the seventh annual FFEA South Florida Regional Conference at Florida International University (FIU) virtually.

“This conference will highlight the many advantages of a career in education and showcase the innovation, leadership, and tenacity needed to be successful in the profession. This event will build a community of future educators and inform students about educational and career options,” said Lester

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Attendees will be able to choose their competitive events and breakout session. Those who attend are encouraged to participate in as many events and breakout sessions as possible to receive the full experience of the event.

Those competing will be competing for a $10,000 prize in scholarship money.

The individual student competitions include – Job Interview, public speaking, Spotlight on Education, Writing Creative Nonfiction, Leadership in Education.

There are also chapter competitions regarding debate on Ethical Dilemma, Research Learning Challenges, and Display.

For more information, visit the FIU website.