Isabella Estrada– Mustangs Ahead

MUSTANGS CARE ICON(LAKEWOOD RANCH, FL)- Lakewood Loves Animals (LLA) is collecting cat and dog toys to take to Nate’s Animal Shelter. The shelter recently collected 83 dogs and 75 cats from the Bahamas and LLA is eager to lend them a hand.

“Our members will be collecting toys all week and bring them to the shelter this weekend,” said LLA math teacher and LLA sponsor Catherine Franek.

As Hurricane Dorian hit the Bahamas earlier this month, many animals lost homes, shelters, and clean food or water. Nate’s Animal Shelter is hoping to clean them up and present them with a new home.

“I am really excited to help out,” said sophomore Megan Scully. “It’s not much, but it will be a big help in making these animals feel at home.”

The club is hoping to have many toys donated, to support as many animals as possible. Anyone interested in supporting this cause or learning more about Lakewood Loves Animals may visit Franek in Room 517.

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